Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 11 класс

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We often go to the beach or for a picnic on Sundays. Question 5 Having the job he enjoys is more important. Why and how do people travel? Generation, hippies, punks, ravers, preppies, yuppies, amused by, satisfied with, embarrassed by, impatient with, irritated into, angry with, fed-up with, annoyed with, proud of, humiliated by. What makes you feel that.. Do you like sport? Now, I'll give the floor to... Paragraph 4 contains the closing remarks. It takes up to six years to......... Which person 1 was misunderstood by a neighbor? Write down the new words and translate them.

Оборудование: тематические картинки, грамматические таблицы, карточки с тестовыми заданиями. Предполагаемый ответ: What can you see in the pic. How big is the family? It has a father, a mother etc. What does this picture mean? What can you see in this picture? Which city do you think it is? Which big cities have you visited? What is she famous for? Find the page number s for Allow Ss time to browse through the units and find the relevant information. Then ask them to explain what each one is, and elicit simple information about each item. Suggested Answer Key a letter p. What is the letter about? Who is it written for? What do you think it will be about? When was it written? What do they tell us about Britain? Ask Ss to look at the relevant pages and elicit what each section is about. Suggested Answer Key The Literature section seems to be about authors, books and literature extracts. The Culture Corner p. The Across the Curriculum section p. The Going Green section looks at different green issues. This particular one p. Оборудование: ноутбук Ход урока 1. Изучение нового материала упр. Answer Key 1 Takumi Japan 2 Cheung China , Aalia Jordan , Takumi Japan 3. Cheung China , Natasha Russia 4 Aalia Jordan 5 Thomas England 6 Natasha Russia Упр. Answer Key 1 stepmother 6 granddaughter 2 sister-in-law 7 great-grandmother 3 niece 8 ex-wife 4 half-brother 9 widower 5 father-in-law 10 twin brother 1пр. Answer Key 1 marriage, wedding 2 immediate, extended 3 elderly, old 4 relations, generations 5 relatives, ancestors 6 nuclear, single parent 5. Итог урока составить предложения с новой лексикой 6. Выучить слова из модуля 1 в конце учебника. Модуль 1 Relationships Урок 3 1а Семейные узы. Развитие лексических навыков и навыков говорения. Воспитательные: развивать социокультурную компетенцию через освоение семейных традиций в странах мира и России. Оборудование: ноутбук Ход урока 1. Изучение нового материала упр. Answer Key 1 engaged, married 5 widow 2 separated 6 foster 3 single 7 in-laws 4 get, divorced 8 stepmoth Упр. S2: My parents, two brothers and myself. S1: I have five aunts, three uncles, five cousins and my grandparents. Подготовка к письменному высказыванию о Семье. Writing a short text about your family for a magazine ñ Ss read the rubric. Check comprehension by asking Ss: -What are you going to write? Words of Wisdom Write the quotation by Durant on the board. Arrange Ss in groups of 5 or 6 to discuss. A spokesperson from each group reports back to the class. I get on well with my parents and they encourage me to express myself. They say that my life is my own and that I have to take responsibility for the choices I make. Стр 10 Модуль 1 Relationships Урок 4 1b Взаимоотношения. Развитие лексических навыков и навыков аудирования. Воспитательные: развивать социокультурную компетенцию через освоение норм этикета. Оборудование: ноутбук Ход урока 1. Модуль 1b Выполнение упр. I think the boy and girl are brother and sister and their parents and grandmother are with them. One of the boys, a girl and a man are standing on one side of the fence; the woman and the other boy are on the other side. I think they are two different families and that they are neighbours. In picture three we can see two young people — a girl and a boy. They are sitting outside in a park. The girl is looking at the boy. Maybe she is trying to talk to him but he is looking away. Maybe they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Answer Key 1 interfering, concern 9 relationship, 2 picking, make have 3 gets 10 makes, breaks 4 showing 11 let 5 typical, blame 12 relies 6 pleased 13 approve 7 popular 14 object 8 takes, close 15 know, say, keep Упр. Suggested Answer Key S1: I think a lot of my grandmother who died three years ago. She was very special to me. S1: I have a really good relationship with my little sister. Answer Key 1 Smythe 4 3 2 visitors 5 diary 3 rubbish 6 the police 5. Учить слова из мод. Woman: My name is Mary Smythe. How may I help you? Volunteer: What kind of problems? Woman: Well, my main complaint is that they are so noisy. They play their music full blast and always have lots of visitors coming round to their house and making a lot of noise. Lots of rubbish has also appeared in my back garden recently. It looks so untidy! What can I do? Volunteer: How long has this been going on? Woman: For about three months now. Volunteer: Have you tried talking to them and explaining how you feel? Woman: Yes, I spoke to them the first week they moved in and explained that this was a quiet neighbourhood, but they just laughed. Volunteer: Well then, I suggest you do the following. Write down the dates, times and causes of the noise and any other trouble in a diary. Volunteer: And please call us any time. We are there to support and help in any way we can. Woman: Thank you very much. Модуль 1 Relationships Урок 5 1b Проблемы во взаимоотношениях с соседями. Извинение в диалогической речи; Развивающие: развитие навыков прослушивания с выборочным пониманием заданной информации. Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру поведения через освоение норм этикета приглашение , принятие и отказ. Слова из модуля 1а. Закрепление пройденной лексики упр. Из раздела Word Perfect. Освоение фраз в диалогической речи. Suggested Answer Key S1: Do you think you could do something about the children making so much noise in the early morning? S2: I was wondering if you could stop your dog from digging up my plants. S1: Oh I do apologise. A Introduce yourself to your new neighbour Decline invitation and explain why. Say you want a quick word. Promise to change behaviour in future. Pleased to meet you. Would you like to come in? A: Oh, no, thanks. I just wondered if I could have a quick word. B: Sure, go ahead. A: Thanks so much, Carla, I appreciate that. You could come too! That would be fun! They are people we get on well with. They usually have the same interests as us. Friends may live far away from you and so you have to make an effort to keep in touch with them. Family members, on the other hand, live in the same house as you and may be totally different from you! Развивающие: развивать умения пользоваться грамматическим справочником и находить ответы на поставленные вопрсы. Воспитательные: умения обосновывать свой выбор называя значения временной формы. Оборудование: грамматические таблицы Ход урока 1. The film is certain to be a success. Her baby is due in January. Answer Key 1 on the point of 4 bound to 2 are to 5 are about to 3 is due to Упр. You still have time to talk to her before we must leave. They have already notified all the applicants of their acceptance. They had been waiting for two hours before we arrived. She started teaching at the school five years ago. Now is not a good time to talk. She is talking on the phone at the moment, can I take a message? The children had been playing in the garden for a long time, so they were very tired. They have known each other since primary school. Развивающие: развитие всех видов речевой деятельности Воспитательные: формирование нравственных ценностей Оборудование:ноутбук Ход урока 1. Опрос домашнего задания: слова мод. In the picture we can see two people — one fat and one thin. I think that no matter how little you have, it is good to share it with other people. True friendship asks for nothing in return. He always took things from little Hans and gave nothing to him. Answer Key 1 E 3 H 5 B 7 D 2 A 4 C 6 G Введение нового материала- упр. Работа со словарем Упр. Воспитательные: освоение норм правильного построения письма. Оборудование:ноутбук Ход урока 1. Введение в модуль 1е Контроль письма. She always looks well-dressed in fashionable clothes. He is in his mid-thirties with a freckled face and a long nose. He loves to dress in formal clothes. She has a heart-shaped face and sad eyes. He shaves his head because he is going bald but he keeps a goatee because he says his chin is too pointy. She has an oval face with a cheeky grin that is framed by her long brown hair usually in a ponytail. Key 1 hard-working 5 cheerful 2 aggressive 6 generous 3 out-going 7 arrogant 4 pessimistic 8 sensitive Упр. She tends to be very stubborn and determined. Suggested Answer Key 1 Although she is outgoing, occasionally she can be moody. However, he can sometimes be stubborn. For someone who is alive, you would use present tenses. For someone who is dead or someone you no longer see, you would use past tenses. I always thought she was different and admired her for not caring about what people thought of her. Suddenly, we found ourselves spending a lot of time together and we became really close. I have always admired her individuality and her sense of style. She is a qualified hairdresser, so she is always experimenting with her hair! You never know from one day to the next what she will look like! She is far from boring! Another thing I admire about Alison is her calm personality. She never seems to be in a hurry. She is both patient and caring. Moreover, she is good at giving advice. However, she does tend to take ages to make decisions and in that way she is very different from me. But, I think that she is wise not to rush into things. In her free time she likes to take up new hobbies. She is far more adventurous than I am and I often wish I was more like her. She is very creative. But the most important thing of all is that she makes an effort to keep our friendship going. She regularly writes, calls and comes to visit. I think we will be very good friends for a long time to come. I sincerely hope so. HEIGHT: BUILD: AGE: COMPLEXION: FACE: HAIR: EYES: CLOTHES: 1. Оборудование: ноутбук Ход урока 1. Опрос домашнего задания: упр. Собрать тетради для проверки. Выполнение упражнений 1-4 стр. Answer Key The pie chart tells us about the variety of races that have found a home in Britain. Answer Key 1 Jerome 3 Rupa 5 Rupa 2 Li 4 Jerome Упр. Урок 12 Culture Corner. Чтение Reading for detailed understanding. Remind Ss that there is one phrase they do not need to use. Set a time limit for Ss to complete the task. What are you going to write? I miss you a lot too! But, you must have made some new friends by now! What are they like? Do your new friends love going to the cinema as much as you do? Do they go to the same school as you? Best wishes, Francinе Speaking. Giving a 2-minute talk about your family Suggested Answer My family has five members and we are all very close. My mother, father, and grandmother take good care of my little sister and myself. Even though my parents work long hours, they always find some time to spend with my sister and me. We try to eat together every night when it is possible. I am proud that I can talk about anything with my parents and grandmother. I really think my grandmother is great, as she has lived such an interesting life and always gives great advice. We all think family is very important and enjoy spending time together. We often go to the beach or for a picnic on Sundays. We also play card games together or spend an evening talking and laughing. Are you closer to a particular family member? What is your relationship with your sister like? Выполнение заданий Listening 1 You will hear Donna Lowdon talking about her childhood. For questions 1-6, complete the sentences. For questions 1-5, choose from the people A-D. A person may be chosen more than once. Edwina Beasley has managed to find a way of sticking her busybody nose into my business, though I barely speak a word to her when she starts asking me personal things. C Lucy The truth is I grew up to believe that our neighbours were also our friends, all of us sharing our joys and sorrows as they presented themselves in our small but closely-knit community. Unfortunately, this was not the case in the big city I moved to. Be it feathered, furry, two-legged or crawling, I simply adore all creatures. Not only does Lulu steal my newspaper every morning, she is also very selective with my friends. Which person 4 has a neighbour who interferes in their social life? Module 1 Variant 2 Listening 1 You will hear Donna Lowdon talking about her childhood. For questions 1-6, complete the sentences. For questions 1-5, choose from the people A-D. A person may be chosen more than once. Edwina Beasley has managed to find a way of sticking her busybody nose into my business, though I barely speak a word to her when she starts asking me personal things. C Lucy The truth is I grew up to believe that our neighbours were also our friends, all of us sharing our joys and sorrows as they presented themselves in our small but closely-knit community. Unfortunately, this was not the case in the big city I moved to. Be it feathered, furry, two-legged or crawling, I simply adore all creatures. Not only does Lulu steal my newspaper every morning, she is also very selective with my friends. Which person 1 was misunderstood by a neighbor? Цели: обучающие-развитие умений поискового чтения; освоить лексику по теме. Развивающие: развивать умения обсудить прочитанное и выразить свое мнение. Воспитательные : воспитание устойчивости к стрессу. Оборудование: записи для прослушивания Ход урока 1. Suggested Answer Key S1: I agree with the poem that stress is a natural reaction and that it is a normal part of our lives. S2: I agree that change is what usually brings on stress, but I do think that it is unique that some people handle it better than others. S1: Stress is the way our bodies cope with the environment. I guess there is also emotional stress as well as physical stress. Умение выполнять задания на множественный выбор. Обсуждение прочитанного Ask Ss why the text was written and who it was written for. In other words, to name the purpose of the text. Confirm the correct answer. Answer Key The purpose of the text is to give advice to teenagers about how to handle stress Упр. Знание лексики по теме. Suggested Answer Key 1 As pressure at work mounts, so does my level of stress. When we are stressed, our muscles tense, our breathing becomes shallow and adrenaline is released into our bloodstream. This helps us focus and gives us the strength to survive in difficult situations. Stress is sometimes good because it keeps us alert, but it is bad for the heart and our general well-being if we have a lot. Thankfully, we can quite often avoid stress and we can also learn how to cope with it. When I feel stressed, for example, when I have too much work to do, am sitting exams or am organising an important event, I try to do a lot of aerobic exercise or listen to some calm music. Развивающие: развивать компетенцию личностного самосовершенствования Воспитательные: формировать ценностные ориентации. Оборудование: записи для прослушивания Ход урока 1. Проверка домашнего задания упр. Answer Key 1 snarled 3 sighed 5 groaned 2 stammer 4 whisper 5. Цели:обучающие-развитие лексических навыков и навыков говорения знание идиоматических выражений Развивающие: умения аудировать текст с целью нахождения необходимой информации. Воспитательные:воспитывать толерантное отношение к сверстникам. Оборудование: записи для прослушивания Ход урока 1. Проверка домашнего задания слова 2б 3. Suggested Answer Key In the picture there are two teenage girls whispering to themselves while another teenage girl stands, arms crossed, in the background. It seems that the two girls are talking about the other girl. The picture is ripped in two to show separation. The girl in the background is obviously unhappy and might even be angry because the other girls are teasing her or excluding her. Цели: Обучающие- развитие навыков аудирования с целью нахождения необходимой информации. Развивающие- составление диалогов по заданной ситуации. Воспитательные- развитие умений выразить сочувствие, ободрение. Оборудование: компьютер Ход урока 1. Проверка домашнего задания слова 2а 3. A: I have just found out that Suzie has been lying to me. I thought she was my best friend. A: Are you alright? You look a bit worried. B: Well, I could be better. You see, Lucy and Hannah want me to go shopping with them this afternoon and miss Art class. A: I know what you mean. I think you should do what you think is right for you. B: Thanks for listening. Suggested Answer Key A: Can you help me with my homework? A: Please come to the party. It would mean so much to me. B: Oh, all right then, just this once! A: Please wash the dishes for me! B: Well, I suppose I could. A: Come on holiday with me! B: Well, I suppose I could. Цели: Обучающие: активизация грамматического материала: придаточные предложения. Проверка домашнего задания : диалог 7 стр. Whose для обозначения принадлежности люди, животные и предметы Who, which, that могут быть опущены если они являются дополнением относительного придаточного предложения и не опускаются если они являются подлежащими Answer Key 1 Do you know the company which she works for? Определительные и неопределительные предложения зависят от информации которую они несут для главного предложения. Вводятся при помощи who, whom, whose, which, that для определительных и все кроме that для неопределительных. Buckingham Palace, where the royal family live, is a popular tourist attraction in London. Who, which, where and that can be omitted when they are the object of a relative clause. Whose is never omitted. Answer Key 1 who 4 when 7 whose 2 which 5 who 3 where 6 which Упр. In case+past относят действия к прошедшему. Answer Key 1 so 3 in case 5 for 2 to 4 with a view to Упр. Придаточные предложения причины Упр. The road was closed due to the fact that there had been an accident. He gave up his job due to the fact that he was suffering from bad health. Проверка домашнего задания : упр. Answer Key 1 F He bullied and punished me … continually 2 T Mrs Reed was blind and deaf on the subject 3 T she never saw him strike … though he did … behind her back 4 F That is for your impudence … your sneaking way … and the look … in your eyes 5 DS 6 F You are like the Roman emperors 7 F Eliza and Georgiana had run for Mrs Reed 8 T How disgraceful to fly at Master John! Обучение навыкам письменной речи. Цели: Обучающие- развитие навыков писать личные в том числе электронные разного характера письмо-совет, запрашивающие информацию и разрешение, письмо просьба дать совет, письмо приглашение, информативное письмо ; освоить разные стилистические приемы при написании полуофициального письма; развитие навыков чтения. Развивающие- развивать социокультурную компетенцию; развитие умений продуктивного письма- умение отвечать на поставленные вопросы; развитие навыков самопроверки письменной работы. Воспитательные-воспитывать культуру написания письма. Оборудование: компьютер для презентации. Проверка домашнего задания : упр. Выполнение заданий Выполнение упр. Answer Key 1 semi-formal Looking forward to meeting you 2 informal Hi Sally! Изученние стиля и цели писем. Answer Key A giving advice to a friend informal B asking for advice from an agony aunt semi- formal The style is different because of the person the letter is being written to. We use an informal style for letters to friends and a semi-formal style for letters to people we do not know well or when we want to be more polite or respectful. Paragraphs 2 and 3 contain the main subject s of the letter. Paragraph 4 contains the closing remarks. Назвать стили писем, и различия. Домашнее задание: работа по карточкам по пройденному материалу. Suggested Answer Key Dear Mrs Jacobs, Упр. I would be happy to help you out. I would be pleased to send you a list of all their email addresses. It would be a good idea to have the party on a Friday or Saturday night because it would be difficult for everyone to come on a Thursday. I would not mind coming earlier to help you. Regards, Matthew Summers Упр. Цели: Vocabulary: the helpline ChildLine. Введение и закрепление лексики. Развитие навыков изучающего и поискового чтения. Развитие навыков чтения информативного характера. Writing: a few sentences about ChildLine. Развитие навыков небольшого письменного сообщения с высказыванием своего мнения. Speaking: giving a summary. Развитие навыков монологической речи на основе прочитанного. Воспитательные:Project: a presentation about a helpline or a charity. Развивать познавательные интересы за рамками урока. Проверка домашнего задания :упр. Развитие навыков аудирования — для общего понимания, общей идеи текста. KEY answer: Whom can you ask for help? How can they help you? How many calls do you get every day? Answer Key 1 trained 2 have been saving 3 living 8 listening 4 thought 9 donation 5 more 6 pressure 7 most common Упр. Составление рассказа по вопросам и контроль монологической речи. Suggested Answer Key ChildLine is a free helpline for children and young people in the UK. There are many ways to get involved. You can find out how to stop bullying by ordering an anti-bullying pack, or you can do some fundraising during anti- bullying week. Or you can simply make a donation or volunteer to become a childline counsellor. I would like to help them put an end to bullying and also help young people help each other. Young people can learn important skills such as listening to each other, empathy and problem-solving skills. I think it is an important organisation. What have you learned at this lesson? What can you do now? Развитие поискового и изучающего чтения- статья экологического содержания. Suggested Answer Key Dear Fiona , It was great to hear from you. The anti-bullying week was a huge success and I believe we have really reduced the amount of bullying that goes on in our school. There were talks by experts and films that showed the effects and how to deal with bullying. There was also a confidential helpline for kids who were being bullied. Anyway, what about the party you mentioned? Where is it and who are you going with? More importantly, who is going to be there? Is Robbie from next door going? Got to go now. Lots of love, Fran Use of English Упр. Allow Ss time to complete the task. Read out the text with Ss. Answer Key 1 architecture 5 designer 2 widen 6 development 3 residential 7 construction 4 entertainment Домашнее задание-подготовиться к к. Before you start … Revise one or two points from the previous module e. Explain that in this module they will learn about crime and the law, rights and responsibilities, etc. Понимание основной идеи текста. Suggested Answer Key The text is about people who have been the victims of crime. Преступление и закон Answer Key burglary -burglar mugging -mugger theft- thief pickpocketing- pickpocket упр. Work through the first example with the class and write the second sentence on the board. Encourage Ss to guess first and then check their answers using the Word List. Ask individual Ss to share their answers with the class. Answer Key 1 offence 3 illegal 5 sentence 2 taken 4 found 6 witnesses Упр. Ss work in pairs to complete the exchanges. Select some pairs to act out the exchanges to the class. Answer Key 1 A: broken 4 A: find B: pay B: let 2 A: confess 5 A: convicted B: arrested, appearing B: sentenced 3 A: get B: chased, make Speaking Упр. Continuing a story Read the beginning of the story aloud to the class and explain the task. Ss complete the task in small groups. Select some groups to tell the whole story to the class. I held out my purse and he grabbed it from me and ran away. Luckily, I was able to give the police a good description of the criminal and they caught him soon after. I identified him as the mugger and he was given a prison sentence. Elicit whether Ss agree or disagree with the proverb and ask Ss to justify their opinions. As an extension, Ss could suggest similar or other proverbs on the topic from their L1 and translate them into English. Suggested Answer Key I agree with the proverb because although some crimes may have a financial gain, usually criminals end up in jail or living a violent and unhappy life. Committing crime will not improve your life but rather make it worse. Ss complete the task individually and then compare answers with a partner. Ss discuss in pairs. Invite a few pairs to feed back to the class. Follow up with a whole class discussion. Suggested Answer Key A: What are your rights at school? B: To be educated and to be treated with respect. What are our responsibilities at school? B: To respect others and not bully or harm others and to look after the environment. What are your rights at home? B: To live in a clean, unpolluted environment and to be treated with respect. B: And what are our responsibilities at home? A: To obey the law and to look after the environment. Explain to Ss that Eduard Everett Hale was an American clergyman who lived from 1822-1909. Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from the class and discuss. Remind Ss to try each answer provided and select the best option to complete the sentences. Ss compare answers with a partner. Allow Ss time to write their own sentences. Answer Key 1 stand up for your rights 2 have no right 3 have the responsibility to 4 have the right to 5 take responsibility for 6 do their bit Упр. Suggested Answer Key I expect the dialogue to be about a problem in a class at school. Answer Key 1 E 3 A 5 D 2 C 4 B 6 F Adam is violating the right to be educated and the right to be treated with respect. He is going to apologise to his teacher. Ознакомление с новым материалом. If I have to tell you again, you will be asked to leave. It looks as if a bomb has hit it! I really hate going to the dentist! I really appreciate that. Suggested Answer Key 1 My flat was burgled yesterday. Etc Домашнее задание упр. Фразовый глагол to keep. Ss complete the rest of the exercise individually. In pairs Ss tell each other about their experiences using the language provided. Объяснение различий в значениях с заисью на доске. Answer Key 1 a He did not stop shouting. You are going to do the job. Обсуждение различий Answer Key 1 a I have a memory of locking the front door. Ask them to explain why they used that form of the verb with infinitive or —ing form. Answer Key 1 A: using after stop with meaning to give up permanently B: spending after an expression 2 A: to buy after remember with meaning not to forget B: to do after forget with meaning not to remember sth 3 A: going after remember with meaning to recall B: calling after try with meaning to do as an experiment 4 A: to buy after stop with meaning to briefly do sth else B: to call after try with meaning attemption 5 A: to study after an expression B: learning general preference with no time reference Упр. Practising phrasal verbs keep Review phrasal verbs and how they are used. Answer Key 1 down 3 back 5 up with 2 on 4 away Suggested Answer Key 1 We must keep down levels of pollution. Answer Key 1 for 3 with 5 into 2 against 4 of Suggested Answer Key 1 Who is responsible for this terrible mess? Read out the rubric, stressing that the second sentence must have the same meaning as the first and that Ss must use two to five words. Домашнее задание Grammar perfect Translate into Russian. If I have to tell you again, you will be asked to leave. It looks as if a bomb has hit it! I really hate going to the dentist! If I have to tell you again, you will be asked to leave. It looks as if a bomb has hit it! I really hate going to the dentist! If I have to tell you again, you will be asked to leave. It looks as if a bomb has hit it! I really hate going to the dentist! If I have to tell you again, you will be asked to leave. It looks as if a bomb has hit it! I really hate going to the dentist!

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